Jamalife testimony from members inDEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO Mr Maurice NGOY KINEKINDA
Two paths apart from each other in a forest with yellowed leaves and I was disappointed to be able to both as a single traveler.I remained motionless for a long time watching one stretch long until that it bifurcates in the underwood. My name is Maurice NGOY KINEKINDA Entrepreneur at Jamalife since 12 / 1018.I am a mining engineer by profession. After my studies in 2012 I started looking for a stable job in my profession, mines. Unfortunately in Africa in general and in my country the DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO jobs exist but are locked. I was seriously confused and confused about this situation. It's on facebook that I first discovered the Jamalife concept and as I had just finished a good book that allowed me to change the angle of vision FATHER RICHE PÈRE PAUVRE by R.kiyosaki and his famous best seller Why I recommend you network marketing. I invested in Jamalife and I failed for the first time at stage 2. In June 2019 I met ambitious leaders and I started a teamwork in the team winner Lubumbashi and two months have enough to qualify me at the internship 5. Yes two months only I am the first Diamond of the DRC and I produced thanks to the collective work more than 25 Emeralds. And my life does not need anything more than what Jamalife Helpers Global has offered me. Thank you to the Jamalife regional management headed by our two visionary and ambitious Leaders. My username is Jamalifelubum