Facts From Lady Mie (Jamalife Helpers Global Co-Founder) Hello partners, Going through our chats I would like to answer some of the questions asked: 1. Does Jamalife have a product? Answer: Yes: In marketing, a product is anything or action that can be offered to a market that might satisfy a want or need. A product could be a good idea, method, information, object or service created as a result of a process and serves a need or satisfies a want. It could be tangible and you can touch it like chair or intangible product like services offered by banks, insurance, Jamalife, teachers, nurses, consultants etc. We are all here because we believe Jamalife has proffered a good solution and a profit/money making process that can satisfy our financial needs. I need money, cars, gadgets, houses and Jamalife has a process through which all these our needs can be met. Everybody here has earned money through this process. Some collected phones, gas cookers, microwaves, laptops, cars...