A LITTLE TO ALL OUR DEAR YOUTH AND EMPLOYEESBeloved youths, today I want to strongly but humbly urge you to shift your attention from salaried jobs and find a passive income generating business online or offline and work hard and smart to build it

Beloved youths, today I want to strongly but humbly urge you to shift your attention from salaried jobs and find a passive income generating business online or offline and work hard and smart to build it

Beloved, haven't you realized we have been deceived by our school system?

Wa'Allaah, we have been wrongly schooled!

You said, How?

Okay. Permit me to briefly educate you;

In 1927, the world population was only 2 billion, it became 3 billion in 1960. In 1974, the number hit 4 Billion and today the world population is 7.8 billion

Let's come home here in Nigeria;

In 1960, Nigeria population was only 44.6 million and it rose to 55.4 million in 1970. In 1980, it became 72.7 Million, and moved to 121.4 million in year 2000. Today Nigeria population is over 200 Million.

Now, listen!

When the world population was bellow 4 Billion and Nigeria population is below 100 Million, we had many industries and very few technologies.

What does this mean?

First, jobs were more than people.

Second, human beings did more than 90% of the jobs, because we had only few technologies.

That was the reason why employers then would be begging our forefathers to take jobs.

Now my Dear, things have changed!

This is the greatest problem; New technologies come up everyday that are doing men’s job.

The more the technologies available to do what men are doing, the louder the cry of employees.

Why? Lay-off (sack letters).

Can't you see or hear the cries from hundreds of employees being sacked daily by banks and other companies?

That’s why I’m always  bold to tell you that, our present school system is outdated.

If you cannot ride the car of 1950, it’s actually stupid to believe in the present school system and the reason is very simple.

School was created to train you how to be an employee

Being an employee in this age and time is the riskiest thing you can do.

The truth is that schools don’t really teach anything except how to obey orders.

That is, school really didn’t teach you anything except how to be a good employee.

If everything school teaches is how to obey orders, then, school is only good at teaching people how to be slaves for the rich

Unfortunately, the rich are now building companies using the power of technologies.

Apart from the fact that school train you to work for the rich, technologies are also after you, to take away your job.


Yeah, you heard me very clearly

If you're already employed, Congratulations👏. But, the sad news is this; TECHNOLOGY is after you to take away your job🤭.

That's why I strongly advice you to shift your attention from salaried jobs and find a passive income generating business and start building it both online and offline.

My Dear,  XOXOLIFE  Business is one of the best online business you can venture into and earn hugely from so far you are willing to learn how and endure to consistently put into practice what you learn

Get registered today and let's journey together to Financial Freedom.


Say NO to Money-Doubling Scheme like MMM and it's siblings. They're dubious investments for dubious people.

Good morning and have a fruitful Tuesday.

I remain your loyal EVANG MOSES dogood is and faithful to XGL

*Moses abanofu* _aka(MR DOGOOD)_
*Financial Freedom Advocate, Business & Personal Development Coach*


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